Wednesday, January 31, 2007

How colour can make or break your costume, part 3

Yo quiero, Taco Bellydancer?


At 11:54 a.m., Blogger jenna said...

Hi there! Not a bellydance comment, but I wanted to answer your question about the EZ baby sweater...When I got to the first sleeve, I slid the other stitches for the body to the back of the needle and just knit back and forth in pattern for the sleeve. I haven't gotten to the other sleeve yet, but I'll have to attach more yarn and work that sleeve in pattern, bind off, then attach the yarn again to finish the body. What I probably SHOULD have done was ignore EZ's sleeve instructions, put the sleeve stitches on holders, knit the rest of the body, then go back to finish off the sleeves with dpn's, like you would do with most top-down patterns. Hope this helps!

At 8:28 p.m., Blogger 1001Nightmares said...

Hi! Sorry I couldn't respond yesterday. Yes, you've been very helpful! I was thinking there's no way to avoid a 'catch-up bit', in order to keep the pattern on the front, then it dawned on me that even if I knit the left sleeve that way, I'd still have to 'catch-up' the back. Growf! I like your idea better, of picking up the sleeves afterward and knitting them seamlessly. I'll give that a try. Thanks!


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